
[MOHRUS TAPE L40mg] To joint pain and muscle pain “Hisamitsu”


Ketoprofen, the main ingredient in Molas, has excellent percutaneous absorption properties and is characterized by its ability to directly reach the area of ​​inflammation or pain, exerting a localized effect.

[MOHRUS TAPE L40mg] To joint pain and muscle pain “Hisamitsu”

Product Summary

Excellent effect on pain in the shoulders, hips, joints and muscles.
Direct penetration to the core of pain. It works firmly for painful pain.

The tape type is thinner than the pap type and is less likely to peel off and be less noticeable.

Size 10cm×14cm

Efficacy / effectiveness

  • Analgesic / antiphlogistic of the following diseases and symptoms
    Lumbago disease (muscle / fascial lumbago, degenerative spondylosis, disc disease, waist
    Spinal sprain), osteoarthritis, periarthritis of the shoulder, tendon / tenosynovitis, tendon
    Ambient flame, humeral epicondylitis (tennis elbow etc.), muscle pain, post traumatic
    Swelling / pain
  • Articular topical pain relief in rheumatoid arthritis

Dosing / Administration

Apply to affected area once a day.

Internal capacity

  • 7 sheets × 5 [35 sheets]
  • 7 sheets × 10 [70 sheets]

Precautions / Side Effects

Be sure to tell your doctor and pharmacist before using any of the following people.

  • Products containing thiaprofenic acid, suprofen, fenofibrate and oxybenzone and octocrylene with prior aspirin asthma or a history of having allergic symptoms such as itching, rash, etc.
  • using medicines previously (Sunscreen , Perfume etc.).
  • Have a history of hypersensitivity.
  • Have a history of photosensitivity.
  • there is bronchial asthma.
  • Under the age of 20 (There are many opportunities to hit the light in division activities etc.)
  • During pregnancy or lactation.

Although it has strong adhesive power and is difficult to peel off, it can easily cause skin problems such as rashes, so be careful.


1 sheet
Active Ingredient : Ketoprofen 40mg


35 sheets, 70 sheets

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